Explore Organizations
With over 300 extracurricular groups across the campus community, it’s easy to get involved with what you love or discover a new passion.

Registered Undergraduate Student Organizations
Whether you’re interested in broadening your network, fueling a passion or applying your skills, joining a student-led organization is a great way to build resumes, make future career connections and explore all the campus community has to offer.

Registered Graduate Student Organizations
Graduate-led student organizations are an important part of the Syracuse University experience, creating opportunities for graduate students to expand their academic interests and extend their personal and professional networks.
Additional Club and Organization Resources
Find opportunities to make an impact on the ground and around the world. At Syracuse University, there are a number of clubs and organizations committed to uplifting local communities and building a better world.
Student-Run Media
Student-run media is more than just an opportunity for budding journalists to hone their craft.

Create Your Own Student Organization
If you don’t find an organization that suits your interests, it’s easy to start your own. Look for like-minded people around campus, and find a new way for our community to get involved.

’Cuse Activities
The ’Cuse Activities portal is an online community that facilitates connection between students and student organizations. The portal includes information about clubs and organizations you can join, when they meet and events for you to browse. For student organizations, ’Cuse Activities centralizes administrative processes like applying for budgets, as well as provides a place for leaders to manage their organization and membership.
Student Involvement Fair
This event makes it easy to connect with organizations across campus. The event is reserved for registered student organizations as a way to showcase their involvement on campus and recruit potential new members.